Sunday, 23 September 2012


 Herbs to use and NOT to use during Pregnancy

Before the invention of  teabags, skin lotion, painkillers and other drugs, there were natural herbs.
For the most part of my life, I grew up on drinking a different type of "bush" everyday in the morning and evening. My parents would plant all sorts of herbs in their big garden and I was regularly sent to pick them. Sometimes they would say "you picked a hard/old leaf" or "pick a very young leaf!" or "there are many types of mint!" and "we want spearmint not the fresh mint!" 
Today, people are becoming aware of the benefits and wonders of herbs.  Herbs are often cheaper, better and healthier than any other man made medicine.

 What are the risk of natural herbs during pregnancy?

Not all herbs are safe to use during pregnancy. Some herbs can cause miscarriages, premature birth, severe premature contractions and injury to the fetus. Before taking herbs, expecting mothers should consult and discuss with their doctor. There are herbs that are safe to use during pregnancy. I will mention them below. 


Ginger root

Ginger is excellent for upset stomach. Too much of ginger can cause thinning of the blood, vaginal bleeding and miscarriages if you exceed more than 2 teaspoons of grated ginger a day. It is best to have ginger 3 times a week and or after eating a meal (upset stomach).

Peppermint is really good for relieving nausea, morning sickness. It is NOT advised to use peppermint if you have heart problems. Peppermint is a heart stimulant.

Small doses during pregnancy is great! High doses can reduce fertility in women and men.

 Eucalypyus can be used in small doses. A few drops of eucalypyus oil in hot water and inhaling the steam
can relieve sinuses. DO not drink Eucalypyus oil. It must be diluted with water or other lotions before it is put on the skin.

Chamomile flowers
Chamomile is excellent to take before bedtime.


 Soursop fruit

The soursop leaves and fruit is rich in folic acid. During pregnancy, some women must take folic acid. Soursop prevents and cures cancer, slows aging process and the vitamin C in it prevents Urinary Tract Infection and other Kidney ailments. 
Since this fruit is so important and means sooo much to me, here is a link that will explain everything for you.


Garlic reduces fatigue during pregnancy, increases blood circulation, lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels. It is also a form of antibiotic. Garlic can be boiled to relieve gas/chest pains.


  • Chilli
  • Orange peel
  • Lavender
  • Senna
  • Aloe Vera (can be used externally not interally)
  • Cotton root
  • Jasmine
  • Ladies Mantle
  • Bay leaf
  • Squaw vine
  • Carali
  • False unicorn root
  • Bitter orange
  • celery seed
  • clove
  • sage
  • comfrey
  • cowslip
  • ginseng
  • feverfew
  • goldenseal
  • gota kola
  • oregano
  • parsley
  • nutmeg
  • passion flower
  • rosemary
  • Saffron
  • St John's wort
  • Thyme

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


PREGNANCY AND BEYOND: A WHOLE NEW WORLD: Hey folks,  welcome to a whole new world for expecting mothers. Pregnancy can be a disaster for first time mothers. The spontaneous hung...

Monday, 17 September 2012


Today I cleaned my library of books, pictures, music, cards, paintings and musical instruments that I have been collecting since 10 years ago.  I've been working on my novel, Medinah Girl (Arabic word: City Girl) for the past four years and my collection really helped me remember places, faces and events. I remembered my days of pregnancy and how I enjoyed new and interesting people who gave me loads of advice and shared their life stories with me.  SO, I'd love to share some of my present and past memoirs because you too can start from now! Collecting these musical instruments, arts even clothing  kept me in touch with the world of people that I could never forget! . I understand a bit more about identity, ethnicity, culture and nurturing. Today, my husband and I laughed at post card messages that he sent me from Cuba, St Kitts and Haiti. Old guys from Cuba smoked their cigars was such pride and tanties washed their clothing in basins in d hot sun, Guadeloupe, 1959.These images, music and art are reflections of my past.

Global Warming (one of my paintings with my daughter's help)

Lily having fun with all my collective instruments

A Senegalese chac chac 
playing the harmonica 
Accordion  from Germany (kept this for six years)
Armando Torres, Painting, CUBA 
TAP TAP (a pencil holder displaying a bus in Hait)

A painting he bought me from Haiti.
POST CARD: Habitation Creole, Guadeloupe
POST CARD: Barbados 
POST CARD: Prince Alfred's Basin, Castries, St Lucia
POST CARD: The City Hall, GeorgeTown, Guyana
POST CARD: Fidel Castro in Venezuela (in exile 1959)
POST CARD: La Isla Bonita, CUBA
POST CARD: Vodou dance, Haiti 
One of my Favourite Post Card: Riflemen, Cuba
POST CARD: Cigar Factory worker, Trinidad, Cuba
POST CARD: Habitation Pecoul, Martinique

Arabic Nargille,  from Turkey ....Represents my love for Arabic culture and my life experiences with Arabs  from Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine and Jordan. 

I walked through this park many times  and the church, amazing

POST CARD: Traditional Chattel House, St Vincent

Here are some samples of music I collected from Travelling

                                            Amr Diab Habibi ya nour el ain....

                                         Time of the Gypsies Gypsy culture and their witty men



My favourite Opera singer: Rigoletto -Verdi -Donna E Mobile

Annabel Lee Edgar Allan Poe

The Game of Chess 

Friday, 14 September 2012


For some strange reason, some pregnant women often worry about the father of their unborn child than themselves. Throughout my pregnancy, I've met with many women at pre-natal clinics and they just wont stop talking about their men; "my husband is not happy about this baby," "my boyfriend wants to end this relationship," "the father of my child is so supportive, he rubs my back," "he says I'm getting too fat," "he knows I'm pregnant and he wants me to do everything," and, he this and he that! Do you think that these women need psychological help to cope with their obsessive behaviour over their spouse/partner?
OR, do you think that these women should start focusing on themselves? 

Ladies, pregnancy is a time to indulge yourself! Instead of worrying over your spouse/partner, there are a lot of things you do to make yourself happier. We know that stress is familiar part of women's lives but we sometimes forget that excessive stress during pregnancy can cause severe health problems with your unborn child. Pregnancy may feel as a never ending journey because we are so impatient for our happiness to arrive. There are ways to flip the stress and channel good energy into the life of both you and your unborn child.

  • SO, here is a list of things you can do to not feel unwanted during and after your pregnancy. Lets try to work on your self esteem and what makes you happy.
  • If you buy a scale to weigh yourself, you will will be able to monitor your size and change your diet.
  • consult a doctor to change your eating patterns; being pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat for two.
  • Sleep is important for baby's growth and development and, to repair your own body tissues.
  • Caring for yourself: consult a doctor for appropriate vitamins/minerals for hair, bones, teeth and skin
  • Join pregnancy groups/forums to ask questions and discuss about similar experiences and get solutions 
  • INDULGE YOURSELF:  a favourite film, dish, snack, novel, hobby, SHOPPING, massage, planting, yoga, make-over (manicure, pedicure), travel, meet up with friends and almost anything that will make you happy. 
  • LASTLY, think of your SPOUSE/PARTNER because that is when they will think of you FIRST!!!!

 Here is a picture of me, 9 months pregnant. It was worth every effort of indulging myself into the things I love.

Here is an informative/interesting site for expecting mothers: 
And, I'm attaching this video so you can visually understand the first few weeks inside your growing womb. Enjoy :)

Anna Lewis xxx


Thursday, 13 September 2012


Hey folks, 
welcome to a whole new world for expecting mothers. Pregnancy can be a disaster for first time mothers. The spontaneous hunger, sudden sensitivity and rising belly are only a few of the many discomforts that women experiences. This weekly journal will guide you into the whole new world of pregnancy and the happiness that women can experience. I intend to show and inform women about the fun in bonding with their expecting babies.  Classical music, reading,writing and walking can be the start of your future plans with shaping your baby's growth and development. Birth is an ongoing process that women face each day; no matter the time and location. Therefore, this weekly journal will introduce fun ways to enjoy the presence of your expecting baby while you are impatient for him/her to come. My weekly journals will include videos, documentaries, letters and articles that will open a whole new world of fun for mothers who feel bored or worried during their pregnancy. There is always something for everyone :) 

SO, pull out your diary mothers because you wont want to forget this moment :)
Anna Lewis x